Book FREE Consultation

URM is pleased to provide a FREE 30 minute consultation on GDPR for any UK-based organisation. Once an enquiry form has been submitted, we will be in touch to understand the nature of your enquiry and to book a mutually convenient time for a 30-minute consultation slot with one of URM’s specialists.

Data Subject Access Request (DSAR)

Pragmatic and tailored approach to GDPR compliance

Data Subject Access Request (DSAR)

If you’re looking for support in dealing with DSAR redaction URM's knowledgeable and experienced Team is able to apply the appropriate redactions to any documents supplied.

One of the areas which organisations often struggle with when dealing with DSAR redaction is understanding what legal exemptions are available and, more importantly, can be applied.  Deciding on which elements of a document need to be redacted and where exemptions can be applied is a timely process and one which requires a skilled interpretation of the UK GDPR.

URM can provide such skills through its knowledgeable and experienced Team and is able to apply the appropriate redactions to any documents supplied.  It should be noted that URM delivers a human, rather than an electronic solution, which is strongly believed to be more effective and appropriate.  As guided by the ICO, it’s essential to understand the context of a DSAR and this can only really be achieved where the raw material is read by a human eye.  Following the redaction service, URM is able to package the DSAR together for disclosure.  Furthermore, if required, URM is able to act as your representative with the UK regulator where a DSAR is contested.

URM also delivers a 1 day ‘How to Manage DSARs’ training course which provides clear and practical instruction and guidance on dealing with all aspects of a data subject access request (DSAR).  By attending the course, delegates will learn, amongst other things, how to recognise a DSAR and determine whether its valid or not, how to verify the identity of a data subject, how to deal with exemptions and excessive requests, and how to respond to data subject and complete a DSAR.

Get in touch

Please note, we can only process business email addresses.

Why URM?

Track record

URM’s DP and GDPR consultants have extensive ‘real world’ experience as both practitioners and subject matter experts working at a senior level within business and in their data protection consulting roles advising organisations on best practice.  With a 17-year track record assisting organisations to comply with legislation such as the Data Protection Act, the GDPR and local country-specific legislation, URM has earned a reputation for adopting a pragmatic and business appropriate approach.

Flexible service offerings

A key differentiator between URM and other data protection service providers is our flexible service offerings.  Our virtual DPO service can be customised to your precise requirements, in terms of the type of support you require and the frequency of site days (remote or on site) etc. Equally, with our remediation support, URM can assist you address any gaps identified and achieve full GDPR compliance. We can also help you maintain that compliance with GDPR auditing services.

Knowledge transfer

URM prides itself on its knowledge transfer philosophy and training expertise which helps to ensure that you not only understand what the principles and requirements of the GDPR are but how to best meet them.

Information Security FAQ

ICO Enforcement Action January – June 2024

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URM’s blog reviews ICO enforcement activities for the 1st half of 2024, highlighting trends & shifts in how it enforces against data protection breaches.

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Data Protection
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Oral references now count as processing for GDPR purposes (in the EU at least)

URM’s blog explores a recent ECJ ruling which dictates that oral job references are covered by the GDPR

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Data Protection
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Data Protection Considerations for Data Analytics

URM’s blog explores the data protection considerations for data analytics tools, and how to reap their many benefits while still maintaining GDPR compliance.

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Data Protection
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First official European response to the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill

URM’s blog explores the first formal European response to the DPDI Bill, and how the Bill may jeopardise the UK’s adequacy status when it reforms the UK GDPR.

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I Have been very impressed with the delivery of both the ISO 42001 webinar and last weeks 27001 and will certainly keep URM in mind with regard to any services in the future.
Webinar Attendee
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