What is Abriska?
Abriska is a web-based tool (think software as a service) with a number of modules
all focused on helping organisations implement a best practice approach to managing
The first module we developed addressed information security risk and was followed
with others looking at business continuity, supplier risk, operational risk, and action management.
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Abriska Demo Request
As a long-established PCI QSA, URM is able to deliver a full PCI QSA-led audit and produce a report on compliance (RoC) as well as deliver a full QSA-led self-assessment questionnaire (SAQ)
As a PCI QSA, URM can assist you with a range of services, including conducting gap analyses, helping you reduce your CDE scope and conducting penetration tests.
If you are looking for reassurance when applying for certification use our Cyber Essentials Application Review Service.