Half Day Business Continuity Review Service

Following URM’s webinar on ‘How to Develop and Maintain Robust Business Continuity Plans’ (BCPs), URM is offering a half day business continuity (BC) review service.  The objective of the review is to assess your existing approach to BC and provide recommendations on improving your practices and the robustness of your BCPs.

You have total flexibility in how you use the review service

You could use it as a holistic health check of your overall approach to BC or you can drill down into one of the 4 following lifecycle stages:

  • Understanding your organisation (including BIA)
  • Developing your strategy
  • Developing your plan(s)
  • Exercising your plans.

Following the review, you will be provided with an email summary including all the key findings and recommendations.

Areas Where URM Can Focus Your Review Service

  • Understanding your key/critical processes/activities and reviewing your BCPs to ensure they will enable your organisation to continue to function in the event of a disruption.  We can advise on establishing, conducting or improving a business impact analysis (BIA).
  • Reviewing your BC recovery strategy and assessing its appropriateness including options for recovery, resilience capability, and ensuring the availability of the resources required for recovery.
  • Reviewing your BCP structure and advising on whether you have an appropriate set of plans in place e.g., single BCP, departmental BCPs, Communications Plan, Incident Response Plan(s), IT Recovery Plan(s).
  • Reviewing the content of your BCP(s) and how well they are likely to manage incidents/events from identification through to containment, recovery and the resumption of critical activities to an agreed level of operational efficiency.  We will also advise on whether there are any missing key elements.
  • Reviewing your IT DR Plans to ensure you have documented the relevant information and recovery sequences to ensure the supporting IT services are recovered in a timely, and managed manner.
  • Reviewing your BCP exercise programme and advising on the appropriateness of exercise types and any issues, gaps, procedural anomalies and opportunities for improvement.

It should be noted that any individual aspect can be selected for review, and that the support being provided is not an in-depth detailed review, but more of a high-level health check where we will advise on appropriateness, any gaps, issues and opportunities for improvement.

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Please note, we can only process business email addresses.